See the Historical Sites
that Shaped America
Due to the Novel Coronavirus/Covid-19 outbreak in the United States, Historic America Tours is suspending all tours temporarily. During this time of concern and uncertainty, many people worldwide are concentrating all their efforts in the pursuit of employment opportunities and guarding the health of their families. Such issues as tours at this juncture are of minor consequence, but could in fact contribute to the spread of the virus and/or endanger guests. After the crisis has passed, Historic America Tours will reactivate our historical vacations once again.
During this suspension of activity, Historic America Tours personnel will take this opportunity to engage in projects that support our national and state historic parks. Given the current period of shutdown protocols, our historians are in the planning stage of several volunteer projects. We are also taking this time to develop more historical tours and exploring ways to improve the historical experience of current tours. We welcome your suggestions for the development of tours you would like to see.